Sunday, August 2, 2009

To the readers of my blog...

First, you are very welcome !

I am sorry if the main language of my blog is not yours... I feel anyway you could catch its essential meaning from the pics I post.

I will try to provide you with English summaries of my posts and I would love you to visit my blog...

Let me try to explain in a few words what this blog is about...

My intent is to made sense with, and eventually to share, my fascination for vintage gay mythology and imagery. I just love attempts and achievements of artists such as Von Gloeden, Plüschow and a few others to invent a new visual language for linking homoerotic desire and sensitivity, rooted in Classical Antiquity and Classical studies, to a new technology: photography, allowing the mechanic reproduction of pictures.

In the late XIXth century and early XXth century, Sicilia and some parts of Italy, such as Naples or Capri, provided the pioneers of this cultural trend and of this sensitivity with an unexpected play ground.

How did Baron Von Gloeden succeed in being part of the Taormina community, how did he persuade the ragazzi of the village to model for him and to collaborate with his artistic projects ? Such questions belong to history, more likely they cannot be totally answered...

My intent in this blog is a free poetical dream and comment about some of these pics, as well as about some of the texts that are their background or their context...

Photographers, artists, poets, writers, at the turn of the century, between XIXth and XXth, dreamt about lost paradises, about Arcadian worlds, about Classical Antiquity, as ways to express, to talk about, to live forbidden desires...

I am interested in the process through which a part of the gay modern identity was built up through a visual, conceptual and sensitive archaeology of its Antique and Arcadian roots.

1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful blog. Very enlightening.

    It is a shame, however, that the modern gay identity has shunned the teenage adoration, pederastic if you will, essence of homosexuality.

    I invite you to visit my blog.
