Friday, February 19, 2010

Almost impossible to translate...

Achille Essebac's prose is so French and so... rooted in the early XXth century literary style... It is difficult, almost impossible to translate its writings in English... His style is so lyrical when he describes the beauty of ephebes or of statues of ephebes... There is such a deep feeling, such a vision, so much cultural references as soon as young men bodies are involved...

I love Essebac's style for its sensuality, for its vision, for the gaze and the desire that inspire it.

This French writer has a unique way to sing the beauty of cute young men, the living ones he met during his journey through Italy, the marble or bronze ephebes he admired so much in Italian museums...

Achille Essebac was brave enough to sing a desire, a vision, an aesthetic sensitivity that could be just shocking for readers unable to understand them. His prose is also a testimony about the way Classical Antiquity could be used in order to provide gay love with cultural roots.

Achille Essebac style is so sensual... Few writers, whatever their language is, found such an obvious and a sensual way to describe the young male beauty...

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